Excel VBA Error "Can't find project or library"


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AVForums Grandmaster
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
This may help someone. Today I had a problem with Excel's VBA / Macro which occurred after Excel seemed to fail to update - why I don't know. Got the error message Can't find project or library and VBA failed to recognize the Date function which is common. It also threw up an error 400 - whatever that is.
In VBA - under References-VBA Project there was one Reference marked MISSING. I unchecked this and it seemed to solve the problem.

@ Community. Can we start a dedicated thread related to VBA whereby we post tips to solve common problems.

Personally I stress to the max when the codes don't work as I'm heavily reliant on these for proper functioning of the spreadsheet to the point whereby I've forgotten how I got to the logic and hence can't easily revert to "manual".

Hope this helps.