One of my Magnum 2004 soldering irons stopped working yesterday. The base digital temperature display showed 684degrees C and the iron did not heat.
I had a spare element and fitted that but still no luck so I figured it must then be a faulty thermocouple.
I sent a mail to Magnum JHB late yesterday afternoon describing the 'symptoms' and had a reply before 9am this morning from Angelo, confirming my diagnosis.
Picking up a replacement thermocouple from Mantech this morning.
I rate this as good service and backup.
I had a spare element and fitted that but still no luck so I figured it must then be a faulty thermocouple.
I sent a mail to Magnum JHB late yesterday afternoon describing the 'symptoms' and had a reply before 9am this morning from Angelo, confirming my diagnosis.
Picking up a replacement thermocouple from Mantech this morning.
I rate this as good service and backup.