:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
For all the e-mails and phone calls I have taken tooo long to return, please forgive me.
My Dad (and his brother) passed away (edit- "passed on") , on Saturday evening. They were on the receiving end of a head on collision on the R59 this weekend. Irony was that they just picked up my dad's car after completing a 2500km round trip (as passengers) earlier that day to attend another funeral in the WC. They were 15 minutes from home.
So, for the next few weeks whilst at my mom's side I may not be as efficient as I am usually... not at the office all the time... not at all available on Monday 16 November.
Remedytec is open though, albeit with hubby manning the fort on his lonesome for most part :notworthy:... except for the day of the funeral (CLOSED - Monday 16 November from 12:00 onwards)
Thank you for your patience and understanding
Edit by F_D: As per Judy's request.
For all the e-mails and phone calls I have taken tooo long to return, please forgive me.
My Dad (and his brother) passed away (edit- "passed on") , on Saturday evening. They were on the receiving end of a head on collision on the R59 this weekend. Irony was that they just picked up my dad's car after completing a 2500km round trip (as passengers) earlier that day to attend another funeral in the WC. They were 15 minutes from home.
So, for the next few weeks whilst at my mom's side I may not be as efficient as I am usually... not at the office all the time... not at all available on Monday 16 November.
Remedytec is open though, albeit with hubby manning the fort on his lonesome for most part :notworthy:... except for the day of the funeral (CLOSED - Monday 16 November from 12:00 onwards)
Thank you for your patience and understanding
Edit by F_D: As per Judy's request.