With Eskom's failures I've discovered that the UPS for the kid's PC was not working. On thinking back I guess the batteries are about 5 years old. Bought new ones for them yesterday, installed them and now they're charging. All LEDs look good :thumbs:
The 4 that came out have voltages of :
I gues the system failed due to the 11.42v battery ? The system runs on 48v.
At what point do I discard them ? The 13.10v I can keep to charge cell phones etc during load shedding or camping etc.
I was also thinking of opening them and burying the acid and recovering the lead. I have a few other batteries here where I want to get the lead as well.
Comments :thinking:
The 4 that came out have voltages of :
I gues the system failed due to the 11.42v battery ? The system runs on 48v.
At what point do I discard them ? The 13.10v I can keep to charge cell phones etc during load shedding or camping etc.
I was also thinking of opening them and burying the acid and recovering the lead. I have a few other batteries here where I want to get the lead as well.
Comments :thinking: