Finally have a digital streaming solution that sounds half decent


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AVForums Veteran
Mar 19, 2012
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For a while I have been unimpressed with my streaming solutions for home. From streaming directly to the AVR via Airplay, to streaming to the Chromecast via Spotify. Each time I was left disappointed when compared to other sources.

I recently split my system up by having a 2chl pre-amp (Aura) for the mains, which still allows surround sound playback, but pure stereo for the CD player and turn table is direct to the pre-amp, no AVR interfering. This gave a big boost to the CD (via my trusty Theta DAC) and the TT playback. But with no way to plug my HDMI output Chromecast into the RCA inputs of the pre-amp, left the streaming music path even further behind.

Then the other weak I found a Chromecast audio for sale cheaply, I snapped it up and via a 3.5mm to RCA converter I was finally able to stream in stereo to the pre-amp, WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! So much more depth the music, finally a proper sound stage, high notes that are pure, powerful midrange and proper bass.

On the back of this I bought a mini-toslink to toslink cable, so that I could route the Chromecast via the Theta as well...???...Another big jump! The music now is wrapped in that lovely warmness the Theta brings. Streaming is now a viable option for high quality feedback.

The Chromecast was R450 and the cable was R150, best R600 I have spent on my system ever!