FM reception on AV receivers?


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AVSA Andrew

AVForums Grandmaster
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
And here I thought that technology had advanced, but I have never been able to get decent reception on my AV receivers (Yamaha and NAD) that I used to get when I was a lightie with ye good olde 'extend aerial thingamajiggy and point at source'. Have over the past few days after work tried to listen to the radio when i get home, but while signal is okay, you can hear it's nowhere near what it should be. I have the FM wires up the wall behind the set up in the T-shape that is suggested, but it's still prone to interference when I walk past and tends to hiss quite a bit in the background. I never remember having reception problems like this on my old stereo setups, but possibly memory is faulty because it's been years since I actually tried listenign to the radio at home - it's always been CD/DVD/television. Any simple ways to get it better?