fr100 journey - please help


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New member
Nov 16, 2021
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Good day

I am looking to buy my first descend audio system - (from those old HIFI cd changers that say takes 3 cd,s) Which you cant compare to decent audio so i am exited to replace it

I am interested to start the the journey with a set of fr100 as a audiophile mentioned.

I dont know any thing about  audio and its big money to spend - dream is to end up with a decent cinema sound system for music as well

I am from Kimberley and no one here has benley speakers that i know off

Is there away to find someone in Bloemfontein which I can ask to listen to.

sorry new to the forum way off life

also whot i am stressed about is i would like to get it with black Friday special and making the decision is big thing as its a lot of money