From B&W P3 to Focal Clear MG


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AVForums Veteran
Sep 3, 2012
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Hello All

I just got a pair of Focal Clear MG's and i am loving them. I started off a long time ago with a pair of B&W P3's which were really great for what i could afford back then. What is great is that i still have them. I will probably never sell them either. I used them for music and gaming mostly, not knowing much about the headphone world. (still don't)

Then when through a silly faze where i wanted wireless headphones. Starting with a wireless gaming pair which i sold very quickly and decided to get another pair of B&W's. The B&W PX. This was also a mistake but not too bad as i used them for flights, and they were great for what i used them for. also ended up selling them to my brother-in-law who still uses them every day.

Then to more audiophile focused gear. Starting with Beyerdynamic DT880 Pro 250Ohm, leading to the discovery of headphone amps. This was also a rabbit hole filled with many side streets and alleys i was not prepared for. I though oh well this is fine my gaming PC has an okay sound card. Boy was i wrong. Then in a bright spark idea i decided, let me kill two birds with one stone and get a cheaper AVR and just use that on my desk along with some B&W 686 S2's which was not too much of a bad idea except for the processing of the amp i did not like what it did to the sound. So what to do now? Throw more money behind the problem. Lets get an actual amp DAC combo and see how that works. Let's do some more in depth research instead of asking some friends and some light internet searches. I ended up going for the Fiio K5 Pro, which was really a great DAC AMP. I loved it. I should have never sold that thing.

Then after a year or two i felt another upgrade was due and so comes in the Sennheiser HD660s. What a beast of a headphone. What a difference in sound from my humble ears. When doing a comparison between the DT880Pro's and the HD660s it was a clear difference. (lol, sorry about that) It felt like i had cotton wool in my ears when listening to the DT880Pro's. I was very surprised by the difference. It was amazing in fact, that i could actually hear the difference. It made a switch in my head go off, if i could hear the difference here, where else could i improve?

In come the ifi Zen DAC V2. What an awesome little piece of kit. The stylish looks and smaller profile really sold it to me. I also read that it was a great little device that would pair well with the HD660s. They even made a special Drop version for the 6XX. It was also a great addition. Not much better than the K5 Pro but worth it for the looks and the fact that it can take a balanced cable to the headphones.

Now to the Focal Clear MG's. Wow wow wow. Not only is it clearer than the HD660s but the bass is just so much better than the HD660s. So happy with these cans. I watch a lot of movies as well so the added bass makes a massive difference.

While i was typing this i ordered a Topping A90D on Amazon to pair with the ifi Zen DAC so we will see how that goes. Here is the question. Do you think the ifi Zen DAC V2 will be a great DAC to pair with the new Topping A90D and Focal Clear MG's?