Fullrange build


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
I was commissioned to build a set cabinets to house a full rage speaker for a friend. 

The driver is an 8" full range called "Betsy K" by the company: Wild Burry Audio Labs.  Read more about it here:

The driver has a reasonably high efficiency, and thus will have some bass extentions on its own, so I decided to build a tapered quarter wave tube for it.  The design looks similar to others you may have seen, but obviously has some of my own ideas inside.  This is one of the projects which can easily be put into the "Weird and wonderful DIY speakers" thread on this forum  ;D

;D Very interesting that the logo of the company has an image of what I would call a wild donkey on it.  Hopefully this speaker will not have any relation to it  (sorry Jacques - I had to) ;D

The cabinet I am building has absolutely no parallel surfaces, and it tapers at a different rate on the sidewalls vs the front and back.  I do this in order to try and get the best out of the midrange.  When there are no parallel surfaces you greatly reduce any standing waves, thus you can keep damping material to a minimum.  This in turn allows the midrange to be more open and free sounding.

So, on to some pics.

Here I have assembled the back and side panels.  You can also see a tapered brace running in the middle:

From a different angle:

Next:  The driver uses a rather thin stamped steel frame.  I decided to make the enclosure such that the magnet will press up against the brace running on the back panel to support the frame and hopefully remove any resonances or non-linearities caused by the light frame.  In this pic you can see the recess I have made in the back brace to accomodate the magnet:

Here you can see the driver sitting on the brace from the bottom of the cabinet which is still open at this point:

Driver fit from the front - nice and flush + sitting perfectly on the brace.  When I fit the drivers I will put a bit of felt between the magnet and the brace to stop audible vibration between the two:

Here you can see the two cabinets without baffles.  They are about 1.6m tall:

Bracing on the baffles.  These will be on the inside of the cabinet and will not be seen:

And finally- I noticed this lady bug on the speaker.  It must have spent about 30 minutes walking around on the cabinet inspecting it.  In my opinion this is a sign of good fortune.  Let's see what effect it has on the final sound of these speakers  ;)

More next weekend.

