Generator supply to inverter


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Nov 21, 2016
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I’m considering adding more power generation to my setup. I have 10 panels 555w each. Then a Luxpower 10kW inverter and a 14kWh battery. Feeds all loads.

Currently not paying for power on sunny days. Sadly the cloudy days require purchase of power from municipal supply. I live in W Cape.

Is the purchase of a generator a good idea? Anybody who has experience with this arrangement? My inverter has the capability to connect a generator.

I’m looking at the proposed tariff changes. Seems like Eskom wants to increase their revenue by imposing a fixed charge for staying connected to the grid. Which would require paying more as a flat monthly charge.

Assume they want R20,000 per annum from me to stay connected. If I use my old financial formula- rule of thumb of 3 years, we get:

R20,000 x 3 =60,000

So expenditure less than R60k is positive. And anecdotal research indicates that 5kva generators cost less than 15k and connection costs-cable, fittings and labour should easily be done for 20k.

I have garage space for a generator- easy to provide adequate ventilation for small effort.

I could invest additional 25k on more panels. Or about 60k for another Volta stage 4 battery plus connection. But these have less appeal. I already have zero power purchase on sunny days. The existing battery copes fine on sunny days.

And I am assuming that there are no legal restrictions on me wanting to permanently disconnect from supply. Anyone know?

With a 5kva generator I could charge my battery from 40% to 100% in around two hours. Good for another day.

Numerous builders have these portable generators and they work well.