Help needed with Blu ray player


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AVForums Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
May 28, 2019
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Hello, I'm appealing to all the Sherlock Holmes' of the audio world for help with the following problem.

I have two disc players, a LG DVD player and a Sony Blu Ray player. The Sony recently stopped sending audio via it's HDMI output. Video signal is OK. IOW, it apparently only sends out only the video portion of the HDMI signal to my Denon AVR amp. I'm playing a standard DVD.

I hauled out my older LG DVD player and using the same HDMI cable and same input socket on my AVR without any change to the settings, the LG sent through both audio and video signals. So this, I think, rules out the cable and input socket settings. One would think the case is clear, the Sony must be faulty but when I plug the Sony directly into my TV, using the same cable, the audio and video both play through my TV.

So, the situation is this: the HDMI cable is not faulty (I also tried a different cable with the above mentioned scenarios and there was no problem in getting full signal from the LG DVD player). The Sony is outputting both audio and video via HDMI directly to my TV set. But when I hook it up to my AVR, only the video signal comes through. I suspected settings on my AVR but the LG player signal is fully decoded without any change to the settings on my AVR. Both the Sony and LG have been set to PCM output and I have tried changing settings on the Sony without any benefit.

My thinking is that there is a setting fault on the AVR but why then would it play the LG signal without a problem?

I'm desperate for help on this problem and would be grateful for any ideas to explore.

Thanks in advance.