How does a real S.E.T. 300b amp sound ?


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AVForums Veteran
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
Greetings all audiophiles and others like myself,

Is there anyone in the Pretoria Jo'burg area who has a S.E.T valve amplifier?
and if so is he prepared to let me listen to it ?
I have heard so much about these amps being inefficient, and riddled with disgustingly high distortion but still they cost an arm and a leg and usually a bit more.
I am not new to the sound of Valves as I have a set of vintage Quad 11's that the revered Ampdog kindly stroked with his superior skill and knowledge. To me they have a sound which to me is more natural than any other set up I have heard, but I have this itch to hear the "ultimate valve amp"
a S.E.T .flea power amp.
If there is someone who is able to demo his amp I will supply the "frosties" or the red wine to complete the evening.
Thanks in anticipation
