I just had an epiphany


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New member
Sep 10, 2012
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So I am not into the hardcore AV stuffs yet,  but it would seem I think I saw the spark that a lot of you guys have probably had a few days/years ago.

I currently have an old pioneer SA520, a set of tempest speaker boxes with some pioneer drivers in it (as per my introduction thread from a while ago) and recently an acquired set of supposedly ceiling mount quad industries speakers for which I have made some boxes and mounted them into.

With this in mind, and from what I can gather is only a very small and insignificant setup if compared to some of the kits some of the members around here have, it has occurred to me what you are all on about in your quest for something special, be it the all-out best of the best kit, or something special that you grew up with and have nostalgia guiding you.

I have recently moved house, and have not packed out any if my equipment for longer than 2 months. As mentioned, I don't have anything special. What I did do though. is to pack out the amp and both sets of speakers this evening an set them both up.

what I noticed is the difference between the sets of speakers. From the older pioneer/tempest speaker's soft and mellow sound, especially on the high end, and slight bass advantage to the quads better crisp response, I think I get it now. Which one does one go for? the laid back mellow sound for the day you feel like listening to a chilled melody, or the precise sound of a tighter, more controlled setup to bring out the dynamic range of a classic composition.

I think I get it now, and I am happy that I have made the realisation, but also worried that this is going to cost s lot to get the sound that I would like to hear on any given day...

Sorry, a lot of rambling, but would like to hear your thoughts.
