Impact of load-shedding on your hifi related priorities and habits?


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user 15182

AVForums Super Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
Oct 8, 2013
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Loadshedding, the bugbear of all South Africans or those that live in or visit our beautiful country and rightly so, has been discussed from all angles, the inconvenience, the political dimensions, alternative energy solutions and so on. This forum is a rich source of valuable information and advice on navigating the challenge. I don't think we need to create a new thread to discuss these valuable data points.

However, n various other platforms, I also read interesting angles and conversations related more specifically to audio and hifi. I have seen measurements of how much power various hifi components consume, how class A vs class AB vs valves amps pull power from the supply, how long backup setups would be able to power music systems, and how discretionary funds are dedicated to alternative power in our houses. So I wonder how the power crisis has shaped and changed our habits.

  • Given the abruptly changing load schedule, how have your listening habits been influenced and changed?
  • Has the HiFi system's priority changed in your life?
  • Have you changed equipment from class A to more efficient units, more class D or smaller setups?
  • More personal audio, such as headphones?
  • Have you been able to create a better power source(cleaner) for your hifi?
  • Have you delayed purchasing hifi because of investing in alternative power supplies?
  • What else?
Let's try not to go into the political and frustration-driven conversation but share stories of navigating the challenge regarding the impact on our hobby.

Keen to hear your views and stories...