Intro and thoughts on budget HT system


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New member
Aug 26, 2015
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Cape Town
Ahoy  :pleasant:

I am way out of my depth looking at any kind of sound system so I'm looking for some help.

Right off the bat, I'm coming from a crummy Logitech something or other that is designed for PC gaming, so anything is likely to be a big upgrade. I haven't even got the speakers in a surround setup, they all sit by the TV. I know, I know, this borders on blasphemy, have mercy on my soul  :pray: It has mostly been used for series/movies but lately I've been playing more music and if I compare the sound from the HTPC to my PC (with proper headphones and sound card) I think I'm missing out on half the sound. Hence, looking for the real deal wrt sound.

I have no issue waiting around for some bargains as my budget (R5-10k) I know won't get me very far. But what can it get me?