ISIS and what is going on in the Middle East


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AVForums Grandmaster
Dec 10, 2010
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I was appalled to learn about the latest developments in Iraq around the slaughter of Yadizi Kurds, Shia Muslims, Christians and just about anyone who is not on their side,  by ISIS militants

I'm putting those links in there because I needed to look up what the make-up of the different groups are. Also, this subject it seems is quite 'hot' on the forum today due to some harsh generalizing statements that was made and I think some perspective is required on this. Its not about Islam here, but rather about bad people who are using religion as a screen to hide their lust for power and blood. Over the ages various religions have been used to justify horrible acts and we should be careful not to generalize this.

The long and short of the story is that the Americans over-threw Sadam Hussein without sticking around to return a strong and stable government to Iraq. I wouldn't like to start a discussion on that because to me it seems like just  another ploy to gain access to oil. In Sadam's place they now have an unstable and weak government which left the door open for ISIS, who split off from Al Queda, to establish itself.

Why do we only know about this now? ISIS was established in 2006 already (according to Wikipedia) and have been advertising their intentions for long. Now they're getting into their genocidal groove and suddenly the world is looking up, but doing nothing. More and more the notion of states are coming into question for me. Is it not the Iraqi government's purpose to protect its citizens? If they don't care, can the rest of the world just waltz in there with bombs, troops and drones and start wiping up? Heavens knows, if they don't, these barbarians may just get stronger and bring more danger and instability to the world.