Lighting control...wireless home automation


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AVForums Veteran
Aug 24, 2010
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Hi all, I recently completed my AV setup and am looking to automate the led downlighters in the room preferably with a remote.  As I begin to google I get lots of hits from home automation sites and my search goes off at a tangent (it always does) and now Im looking for wireless home automation gear and I come across two systems :
VeraEdge (R2300) and
Fibaro Homecenter Lite (R3900)
which both run off 'Z-Wave' wireless technology (I learnt that this afternoon ;D)
Both systems are modular and many devices can be added. The idea would be to start small and get the wireless remote and relay dimmer switch - to control and dim the lights in the room immediately, and then buy either of the above two control centers in the future and add more relays to other rooms as and when I want to/have cash. There are 3 companies i found selling the above systems

Does anyone have any experience with any of the above two systems - criticisms,complaints or rants? Do they work and do they work well? Most reviews I have read seem to favour the Fibaro system from an GUI/usability point of view.
thanks in advance for replies.