Linn LP12 Tone Arm Cable


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AVForums Super Veteran
Dec 29, 2012
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I am looking at replacing the tone-arm cable on my LP12. It still has that old 1979 horrendous cable and the ground wire has been destroyed by it's previous owner. I had to attach a new wire to get it to reach my pre-amplifier's ground screw.

If someone has a T-Kable lying about that they do not want that would be nice. I tried the other people making cables up like Audio Origami, but it seems they do not do that anymore. RCA or XLR, I do not worry so much about that. I am building my own phono pre-amp based on the Pass Ono, so I can accommodate both. My LP12 has the Ittok LVII arm.

I would willingly make up my own cable if I can get that right-angled DIN connector. I can get the Mogami cables that Linn uses in theirs easily.

Sadly our turntable expert is not with us anymore, else he would be my first port of call. My very last port of call would be LInn themselves because of the cost.
