Lockdown and beyond - have your drinking habits changed?


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AVForums Grandmaster
Oct 19, 2015
Reaction score
Before lockdown I never drank alcohol at home, that was for afternoons watching sport, pub crawls with mates trying different beers, and a few beers after work and at weekends.  When lockdown was clearly going to stop that I got a stock of Windhoek and craft beers in to tide me over the month.

So during lockdown with prohibition I finished my stock of beer and opted to try the small collection of red wines I had either been given as presents, won in quizzes or been given at conferences (thanks Cape based organizers).

Since we have been able to buy again my main purchases have been craft beer and wine along with a few spirits to see me through the weekends and sundowners.  I don?t really see pubs reopening for business and have started drinking much more variety (wines, gin (never thought that would happen), bourbon and still the crafts but no hanker for my previous main tipple of Windhoek.  I think it unlikely I will go back to that even if pubs reopen (craft beer only but probably spirits too).

Anyone else finding a similar change in habits or is it just me?

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