Low Ball Offers


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
Cape Town
I am really curious as to why so many people find (what they consider) a "low ball offer" so insulting and/or offensive?

(Unless, of course, someone said: "Hey you, with the big ears, and the beer boep, and the tiny penis, I will give you R1 for your R65,000 amplifier". Then I would be offended too... :) )

Does it land with some as "you as a person" are not worth me paying more than X for your amplifier?
Because that is just wrong, and would be very sad...

I have made many low ball offers (always at the top of what I can afford) and:
- some are ignored. This is perfectly fine!
- some lead to discussions and negotiations and sometimes a sale. This is good!
- some have been accepted. This is great!
- none were meant to offend a seller.

I often receive low ball offers, and:
- none are ignored. I might say: "I will be in touch if I do not receive a better offer", or "Unfortunately I cannot sell my Linn LP12 for R2000, but I do have a Pioneer PL12 that suits your budget." This costs me nothing, does not offend me, and is not returning a perceived slight.
- some lead to discussions and negotiations and sometimes a sale. This is good!
- some have been accepted. This is great!

An offer is an offer. It gives you a floor price, while you are reaching for the ceiling. I really do not
see the reason why so many get so deeply offended by another person's "low ball offer".

Or what am I missing?
