Magellan Audio introduction


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New member
Jun 25, 2021
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Hi guys,

Thanks for the forum, what a wealth of info, great camaraderie and hifi enthusiasm on display!

Allow me to introduce Magellan Audio, a small new comer to the SA hifi scene with one launched product (the Class D Magellan Audio Fortissimo amplifier) and one pending product (a mains filter that significantly improves highs by filtering out RFI/EMI using approaches from materials science). Cleaning up the highs seems to do much for lowering the noise floor, bringing enhanced detail and dimensionality to music. I personally envisage every audiophile owning at least one of these filters. Quick clarification: the products don't filter Eskom crud, but rather the crud from your own component power supplies RFI, whether from diodes in the rectifier of the linear supply or from switching supplies.

Regarding the Magellan Audio Fortissimo, Sean Jammy recently posted his review (Thanks Sean);
From feedback we've had from others, the amp has performed well into ribbons, horns and dome speakers, an outcome we've been very pleased with given that we initially optimised the amp on ribbon speakers (Apogee Scintillas).

As I am joburg based, I'd be keen to make contact with other forumites based here, especially as I'd like to get a few mains filter samples out there in a few weeks time (having said that, Dec hols almost here, so perhaps timing gets shifted to early 2022).

If you'd like to test drive the new mains filters (available a few weeks from now) or the ClassD amp, please drop me a DM.

Thanks everyone
Ryan Hill
083 three two five 6017

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