just came across this article - its a good thing to replace microservers for media playback - only way to make this better is to have it battery operated but then that is effectively a laptop but this thing is crazy cool in my books
it is HDMI 2.0 capable so implies ultraHD video - and the celeron can be replaced with something stronger too if you want to throw some money at improving it and i'm sure it wont be too hard to improve hard drive space and ram too
see the size - thats a microSD card plugged into the side (and this is a complete PC)
it is HDMI 2.0 capable so implies ultraHD video - and the celeron can be replaced with something stronger too if you want to throw some money at improving it and i'm sure it wont be too hard to improve hard drive space and ram too
see the size - thats a microSD card plugged into the side (and this is a complete PC)