Message from JimGore - take 2


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score

I have been given an opportunity to state my case after what happened last week after I asked Rudi to create a post here on my behalf.

Firstly, I would like to apologize to everyone here who read through what I can only call the forum version of a "back alley street fight" between myself and some of the forum moderators.

My first thread post here was way back on the 14th of July 2005 (second ever thread in the General Discussion board), and I am sure everyone will agree with me that it is not my default form of communication as you will never find words like those in any of my public posts.  The decision was taken to "air" what I believed to be a private post between myself and the mods where I was letting of copious amounts of steam, after which the topic was locked, but not removed and remained visible for everyone to see for the remainder of the day.

The back alley street fight was bound to happen at some point or another, and I do not apologize for it happening, nor do I retract the general sentiment I raised in that private post.  I do however sincerely apologize to any of you who may have read it & feel slightly disturbed by it.

In the open forum discussion of this thread, a number of members felt free to make all manner of remarks about me.  All I can say is that I am human:

I have spent many, many years of my life in search of understanding and building the best speakers I possibly can.  If I come across as a bit forward or direct, it is only because I want to share what I have learnt, and would like you to skip the frustrations I have been through in my search thus far.  It is a thing of passion and years worth of commitment, including thousands upon thousands of hours work and research.  It most likely makes me somewhat biased.  If you feel this equates to me being someone who thinks far too much of himself, then I have empathy for your discomfort.

All this action has prompted me to do something I have been meaning to do for a long time now, which is to launch my own website.  I am hard at work on it, and it will be up and running soon.

Again, I would like to let you know that I remain committed to assisting fellow forum members and / or providing guidance to anyone who would like it via my website or personal email (link below).  In time I may decide to actively contribute to the forum, but for now I am taking a breather other than to see this thread through.

If you would like me to send you an email when the new website is up and running, feel free to send me a mail to:

[email protected]

In closing, please feel free to share your opinion and / or comment on the above.  I would ask anyone who does choose to comment to please do so in a reasonable and acceptable manner which complies with the forum rules.  Don't do what I did in that private post with the mods as it will cause unwanted repercussions and general unhappiness.  Lessons have been learnt all around, so let's also steer clear of the blame game & finger pointing as it will not achieve anything - I for one, have lost the energy to participate any further in forum fights, and I trust you will feel the same. 

Kind Regards,