Misconceptions in the SA general public regarding Home Cinema


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Seeing as this is forum for disussion I thought it might be good for us to put together a list of misconceptions or misrepresentations that are abound in the SA home cinema world. These could help newbies to this addictive hobby.(If you can call it that). I Know I would've appreciated such help when I first started, I would have saved fortunes :( .  I dont know if anyone else went through what I did but I started with a HCITB which cost me R2000-00 and I thought it was great!! UNTIL I heard what a HC should sound like. My friend has the Yamaha 2095 (for sale in classifieds) and Paradigm Monitors, PSB Sub etc etc. Needless to say my supermarket pride and joy got the instant for sale treatment and I started anew.
To my demise I purchased a JVC complete cinema (rx 5032v reciever, JVC complete speaker package with floor standers and sattelite surrounds and sub and the matching DVD player). For a while I was happy because it was a MARKED improvement over the HCITB. However I couldn't help but feel cheated and decided to speak to some reputable dealers.(Some arent so reputable) It was then tha I decided to invest in some REAL speakers and hence the arrival of my KEF's.

Anyway, after all that mumbling I can offer this advice if you're new to HC:

1. Dont be fooled into believing that a R2000-00 all in one will do the job, if anything it will only make the experience worse.

2. When starting out, IMHO look for speakers first, they don't age as fast as say a reciever/processor does. There's always a newer sound format or newer processor chip coming out (HDMI/High res DTS/DD THX select2 as examples) A good speaker however will stay 'current' for longer. The same can be said for power amps if you're going the pre/power amp route.

3.Be prepared to SPEND. This is an addictive 'hobby' and you will always want something new. On that note, rather spend more now on quality gear one piece at atime and take a little longer to build your HC up than dive in to the quicker/cheaper route, Unless of course your wallet alows you to spends many many thousands.

I could spend all day on my soapbox about the state of HC in SA but I thought....over to you. Any thoughts/advice/observations etc etc
