I've always been using a cheapie multimeter from Builders, but it can't measure capacitance. Been looking at some that can, but they cost thousands
Today I found some cheap Chinese multimeter. The quality can only be crap, I guess, but it feels sturdy, got a nice big display and....can measure capacitors. It may not last that long, but honestly, I don't use it nearly enough to justify the expensive stuff. This was R230, same price I paid for the little one at Builders.
Pic shows a 22uf cap measured.
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Today I found some cheap Chinese multimeter. The quality can only be crap, I guess, but it feels sturdy, got a nice big display and....can measure capacitors. It may not last that long, but honestly, I don't use it nearly enough to justify the expensive stuff. This was R230, same price I paid for the little one at Builders.
Pic shows a 22uf cap measured.
Sent from my SM-N950F using Tapatalk