I thought I would share this with you guys. Its something I have been wanting to do since I first saw Sean's build about a year ago. So this is my very first attempt at a 3 way build, nowhere near Sean's build lol. I would like to say, this is more about the fun of building ones own cabs, with the benefit of learning as i go along. And it is with this that I use whatever I can get my hands on. As most of us know, buying good quality high end drivers can be very expensive. So, 12" woofers are from a pair Onkyo SC90 MKII cabs, mids are still to come, tweeters are a pair of Soundlab Titanium dome tweeters which I bought at work. I will be using the original crossovers that came with the original cabs.
This build still has a long way to go, as it gets done as funds allow. My idea is to have a separate enclosure for the woofer, and a pyramid shaped cab for the mid and tweeter. Kinda like this
BWAH! This is not it!
So from the bottom up, its speaker spikes, 30mm mdf base, 40mm aluminum tubes x 4, one in each corner, then the woofer enclosure and finally the pyramid shaped enclosure that will house the mids and tweeters. All this in, wait for it! Glossy Piano black finish. Im unsure if I still need to primer the mdf even though I apply the sanding sealer.
And it is with this build that I first learnt about diffraction, and the tweeter being mounted 20mm beihind the mid and bla bla bla. Anyway, enclosure specs for the 12" woofer was done in BassBox Pro, after getting the TS parameters for the woofers from Azaam Higgins, owner of Speaker Repairs in Wynberg. BassBox Pro recommended a 120L sealed enclosure for the woofers, but after looking at my available space and the look on my wifes face, I decided to chop it down a bit. The result, is a 90l enclosure which closely resembles the 120l plot in BassBox Pro
These woofers are the reason why I started another thread about speaker cone colour as they were quite faded .Anyway, I tried the cold glue and water trick but that didnt work out quite like i expected. Ended up using black earosol spray, very lightly though. This is also gonna be my very first attempt at finishing a cab with spray paint, LORD help me pls. Google and Youtube has a gazillion article, videos etc about spray painting wood with a compressor. From adjusting the fan size, presure and needles sizes, to actual mixing. If all that fails, I have a forum I can use
So that is about it for the woofer enclosure.
Now, here comes the :cr@p: The cab for the mids! Even though I dont have them as yet, it was quite a unsuccessful mission finding someone to cut these panels.
The guys at Chipbase just said "wate %@& is daai, da te veel nommers" and "wate @#$ is die angles en :cr@p: :walled: :walled:
So this is where I am at, at this moment. As time and funds allow, I will do and post more. I think I might have to redo the crossovers, one of them looks like it had quite a bit of heat going on lol.
This build still has a long way to go, as it gets done as funds allow. My idea is to have a separate enclosure for the woofer, and a pyramid shaped cab for the mid and tweeter. Kinda like this
BWAH! This is not it!
So from the bottom up, its speaker spikes, 30mm mdf base, 40mm aluminum tubes x 4, one in each corner, then the woofer enclosure and finally the pyramid shaped enclosure that will house the mids and tweeters. All this in, wait for it! Glossy Piano black finish. Im unsure if I still need to primer the mdf even though I apply the sanding sealer.
And it is with this build that I first learnt about diffraction, and the tweeter being mounted 20mm beihind the mid and bla bla bla. Anyway, enclosure specs for the 12" woofer was done in BassBox Pro, after getting the TS parameters for the woofers from Azaam Higgins, owner of Speaker Repairs in Wynberg. BassBox Pro recommended a 120L sealed enclosure for the woofers, but after looking at my available space and the look on my wifes face, I decided to chop it down a bit. The result, is a 90l enclosure which closely resembles the 120l plot in BassBox Pro
These woofers are the reason why I started another thread about speaker cone colour as they were quite faded .Anyway, I tried the cold glue and water trick but that didnt work out quite like i expected. Ended up using black earosol spray, very lightly though. This is also gonna be my very first attempt at finishing a cab with spray paint, LORD help me pls. Google and Youtube has a gazillion article, videos etc about spray painting wood with a compressor. From adjusting the fan size, presure and needles sizes, to actual mixing. If all that fails, I have a forum I can use
Now, here comes the :cr@p: The cab for the mids! Even though I dont have them as yet, it was quite a unsuccessful mission finding someone to cut these panels.
The guys at Chipbase just said "wate %@& is daai, da te veel nommers" and "wate @#$ is die angles en :cr@p: :walled: :walled:
So this is where I am at, at this moment. As time and funds allow, I will do and post more. I think I might have to redo the crossovers, one of them looks like it had quite a bit of heat going on lol.