My fourth ... no, fifth pair of headphones ... HD380 Pro or Momentum On-ears?


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AVForums Super Veteran
May 10, 2015
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Hey guys,

So I got myself the NAD D1050 to be used as a DAC in my main system, but I find I use it far more often with headphones. In my domestic set-up (noise sensitive wife and small kids) head-fi offers me the opportunity to indulge in quality music and audio without causing any hassles. So now I'm building a small collection of value for money cans that I can swop around as the mood and the music takes me ... sort of the Swatch approach to hi-fi.

I first used the Sennheiser HD407s my wife gave me a couple of years ago as a birthday present (should have gotten the hint back then already). Info on these are scarce but judging by size and price they must be the on-ear open-backed twin of the HD202. The sound is detailed and quite polished, but a little slow. Also not much bass to speak of.

Then I picked up a pair of Philips SHP2000s under R100 ... great solid bass but recessed mids and not too transparent.

Last night I picked up a pair of gently used Grado SR60i's and again an entirely different experience ... huge fun, front row sound, great with blues / folk / acoustic rock but somewhat artificial and claustrophobic on anything involving a big band or orchestra.

Next up is a pair of Samson SR850s on order from FirstTech ....just to see what the fuss is about. And then I am looking for a midmarket pair or Sennheisers for a more authentic brand experience than the 407s can give. I had my mind set on the HD380's, but the  I saw Takealot has the Momentum on-ears for similar money.

Anyone here have experience with the HD380 vs Momentum on-ears?