My perception of a good setup ruined by valves and high efficient drivers


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AVForums Veteran
Oct 17, 2015
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It was a Sunday afternoon.  I went to fetch a new upgrade for my stereo system.  I've really been looking forward to this upgrade.  I took my son with me because he enjoys driving with me and I enjoy spending some alone time with him.  He has just started talking a few months ago and so, as it goes, in an attempt to increase his vocabulary there was a lot of questions but I didn't mind.  Along the way I pictured how this transaction would go.  I typically like to test things first to see if it works before I buy and I definitely, if possible, like to compare it with things I'm familiar with.  Well this time it didn't quite turn out the way I pictured or imagined.

On arrival I was warmly welcomed by Stuart from SDA Acoustics, aka Xumbug on the forum.  We entered his man cave, I guess man floor would probably better describe it, and I was immediately taken with all the builds, drivers and crossovers he's busy with. Well that too soon disappeared when we entered his listening room and I stared at his current setup. Staring back at me was two beautifully crafted white gloss cabinets with contrasting black Horn Tweeters, Horn Mid Compression Drivers, 15" mid base drivers and side firing subs all perfectly positioned.  Driving these was an Audio Research Valve pre-amp with matching valve power amps.  He showed and explained to me his high efficient speaker arrangement and setup.  With a few quick questions and answers I now better understand what speaker sensitivity means and why efficient speakers are a good thing.  With the theory out of the way we proceeded with some practical demonstrations :)

By now the transaction was obviously put on hold for a while and some listening begun.  Stuart started playing some music for me and suddenly definitions like "speakers disappearing" and "sound stage" became vividly clear to me.  For proof I looked at my son, who always points at speakers and says ?music? or ?speakers?, whenever some vocals started.  He would look around the room then back at me with a confused look on his face as if to say, ?where is this person?.  Everything just sounded brilliant, clear and detailed whether it was loud or not.  At some stage we listened to Pink Floyd and focused on the part where the helicopter comes flying in.  Well I don't need to explains how well that sounded and even if I wanted to I can't.

I usually have three criteria when listening to a setup.  Firstly, it should sound good.  What?s the point of it all if it doesn?t?  Secondly It should sound detailed whether soft or loud.  And lastly you should only realize a system is "too loud" when you start talking and you can't hear the other person.  His system ticked all the boxes for me and then some.

Stuart thank you for a very good listing session, perhaps a bit short, but very good nonetheless.  Thank you also for ruining my perception of a good stereo system that I now have to listen to.  My son still asks me to listen to the helicopter and quite frankly I just can't seem to satisfy his need anymore.  We'll have to setup another session :)

To the forum, when you have the time, do yourself a favor and go listen to Stuarts high efficient valve powered setup.  I think, nay, I know you'll be amazed.

I will post some a few pictures as soon as I figure out how to.

Here we go,
