NAD, PSB, BlueSound find a new SA home


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AVForums Veteran
Apr 14, 2014
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South Africa

NAD, PSB, BlueSound find a new SA home

The Lenbrook Group, brand owners of NAD Electronics, PSB loudspeakers and BlueSound streaming products, has announced the appointment of a new importer/distributor for the Southern African region.

AV Imports, a new company with audio industry stalwart Francois van Rooyen at the helm, has taken over the distribution of the three brands with immediate effect.

Van Rooyen has a long history and association with the NAD brand in particular, having been instrumental in growing it from a niche product to being considered one of specialist audio?s leading brands on the SA market.

His return to actively market and distribute the brand, as well as the closely associated PSB and BlueSound product lines, augurs well for the future of the brands, which have not enjoyed the high profile locally they once used to enjoy.

It also means that some of the eagerly awaited new products already released abroad will finally make their SA debut.

According to Van Rooyen. NAD is enjoying impressive growth in other markets thanks to its innovative product offering, while the fruits of a significant investment in new PSB products will debut at the High End Munich expo next month. He also expects BlueSound to gain rapid ground agains the backdrop of the increased focus on streaming services.

Van Rooyen is joined in the new venture by Schalk Burger Junior, who also has an established track record in the hi-fi and home installation industry. The company will be based in Vereeniging, with a national dealer network in the process of being put in place.

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