NIKKO ALPHA 2 Help Please


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AVForums Super Veteran
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Dec 7, 2012
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Johannesburg Broadacres
I purchased this a few months ago to use as my starter amp for my AE2's
I set it up in my workshop fed by a LINN CLASSIK and running a pairof AR6BX's. All was fine except there was a hum from both transformers, but it wan't too excessive.
Everything was fine for about a week and suddenly the sound cut and I noticed the left VU meter steadily rising . I killed the power immediately, and no harm was done.
No speaker pops, no smell, nothing.
I opened it up and checked all the fuses. All 8 were fine.
I powered up again and it switched on, both transformers hummed as " normal ?"  but silence.
I packed it away and grudgingly had to spend money on another amp.

Today I got it out to have another go at it.
Set it up on the work bench connected it to my audio interface and it worked perfectly for a whole 3 minutes and died again. Same issue.

Opened it up again and left it on with nothing connected to it.
After a few minutes I saw some fluid leaking out of a cap on the regulator board. It was getting hot, but all the other caps around it were cold.

MY question is that, as this is a dual mono design, why did both channels stop working ?
Would this have caused more damage ?. I can't see or smell anything odd.
None of the fuses blew.
I've removed the offending cap, and don't have another of the same value to replace it with.
Should I replace all 8 and see what happens ?
I haven't switched it on again since removing the cap.
Thanks in advance. My skills are limited