The speakers are Sonus Faber Concerto's - a good 13 years old now. First driven by an Arcam Delta 290. Suffice it to say that I'm no great fan of Arcam anymore - for what you get I'm afraid their products are wildly overpriced.
Anyway, decided to go local and got meself a Predator. I'm only slightly exaggerating when I say that it was like rediscovering my entire CD collection.
When the upgrading bug bit again, this time in a big way, I saw no reason to change a winning recipe. To cut an already long story short, I ended up with a whole range of Schalk's finest - and my Sonus Fabers are singing! I have to admit that my current setup is analogous to cramming a Rolls Royce engine into a Ferrari, but the wish for continuous domestic harmony dictates that further upgrading be delayed a decade or so.
But from the Arcam through to the Black Widows - what a difference superior amplification makes!
Anyway, decided to go local and got meself a Predator. I'm only slightly exaggerating when I say that it was like rediscovering my entire CD collection.
When the upgrading bug bit again, this time in a big way, I saw no reason to change a winning recipe. To cut an already long story short, I ended up with a whole range of Schalk's finest - and my Sonus Fabers are singing! I have to admit that my current setup is analogous to cramming a Rolls Royce engine into a Ferrari, but the wish for continuous domestic harmony dictates that further upgrading be delayed a decade or so.
But from the Arcam through to the Black Widows - what a difference superior amplification makes!