I must confess that some times a piece of furniture I make just feels so special.
Maybe its the hours of work, colour combination, looks, wood grain or just a combination of things.
Whatever it may be, after weeks standing I eventually took some snaps and I am ready to part with this once off HiFi stand.
Woods used are kiaat and maple. All solid wood with shelf thicknesses of 38mm. The bottom laminated shelf is over 60mm thick.
It is very heavy but I can ship it anywhere.
Whoever buys this will own an exclusive piece of furniture since I dont plan to make another one like this.
Price R13000
Maybe its the hours of work, colour combination, looks, wood grain or just a combination of things.
Whatever it may be, after weeks standing I eventually took some snaps and I am ready to part with this once off HiFi stand.
Woods used are kiaat and maple. All solid wood with shelf thicknesses of 38mm. The bottom laminated shelf is over 60mm thick.
It is very heavy but I can ship it anywhere.
Whoever buys this will own an exclusive piece of furniture since I dont plan to make another one like this.
Price R13000