Powering down a Raspberry Pi


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AVForums Super Veteran
May 25, 2010
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South Africa
I'm using a Pi as a Logitechmediaserver host with an externally powered HDD attached via USB. The drive is formatted ext4 and mounted r/w.  On powering down the lot LMS loses its library and initiates a rescan on startup.  I guess part of the problem is the r/w mount (which is unnecessary and can be changed so long as the LMS db remains on the SD card - where it is at present).  The same thing happens if you turn off the Touch (as in sleep mode) and power down the drive.

Any ideas re how to work around these - there will be times when my folks will want to unplug the setup due to lightning storm etc. There no way of adding a power down switch to the Pi such that it initiates an OS halt, following which the whole shooting match can be unplugged?