Preamp Shootout results


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AVForums Grandmaster
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Johannesburg, Helderkruin

Ok seriously. Each and every person I spoke to heard a distinct difference. Each person had his preference! And it wasnt along Valve/SS/Hybrid.....

I got EXACTLY what I wanted  :clap: To have each and every person pick something he likes based on what he hears, and it worked. Yes one or two are always in the top three and you know what it is irrelevant ? To mention them for they will almost 50% certainly NOT be the one you pick!

THIS is a fact. There wasn't one that you could dismiss as crappy or not worth buying. Honestly. There were very little negative remarks. I looked at peoples faces and they told everything.


1) The Tannoys were sometimes slightly too revealing, thus source and preamp combination would bring out a winge or two on wrong material.
2) I picked a bunch of songs I thought sounded ok, there while everyone was waiting. I forgot, totally to create a playlist. So we had NON-audiophile selections, under pressure and in the end VERY random... sorry...
3) The Krell SACD Marius brought was damn fricking good. We played proprius antiphone blues track 5. My bloody hell. Bass down to 14-16Hz. That SACD is magnificient!!
4)  Some valves were amazing on voices, some SS slammed in the bass. Some really came as a shock to some listeners.
5) The Krell was exceptionally accommodating, no preamp sounded out of place at all. It got hot but could not be abused.
6) The Genesis monoblocks kicked the Krell butt all over the show in bass region... WTF  :notworthy: That NEVER happened to any Krell, it was their signature attraction. The monoblocks were utterly amazing.
7) The Kappas showed why Infinity once made the best speakers in the world
8) The Quad 2905's showed that with some (not all) smaller scale music, voices and instruments it IS the best speaker in the world  :notworthy:. It sucks with metal...really!
9) The Halcro has the best phonostage I ever heard...confirmed again
10) The Hires files were much more appreciated. The 4 files we used to listen to,  one was 192k, one 96k, one 88k and one plain old CD. I hardly heard them skip the 192k song  :thumbs: And the set was played at least 20x.
11) Schalk your Valve Audio equipment is very high end, Finish and klaar....
12) Rudi, you preamp played with the BIG boys and wasnt once short on anything... I can just say you must be so proud!!

What an amazing bunch of people! So diverse but still one goal... music.

After 2-3 hour shootout it turned into a listening session with people listening to music!! WOW that is what it is all about!!

Sorry I was so busy... but nobody touches the fillet/steak when I entertain.... I dont want to disappoint  :giggle:.

Now Vinyl...

Peter Gabriel on SACD, Hires and Vinyl..... who has the guts to say which sounded the best ?
Jazzy entertained us with Audiophile pressings...... if someone would create a vote area please ?
Satchmo on 45rpm mono pressing. You guys should have seen your faces. Valvaglo showed me the video ALL were smiling, I mean ALL  :giggle:
Not a single person mentioned Diana Krall on 45rpm, all enjoyed it (ok didnt see anyone get up)