R15k to Spend


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New member
Jun 14, 2013
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So being in DBN (limited options of sound shops), I have been to Dionwired to look at what to Purchase for my, real, first, decent Audio setup. My intent was to come back home with the Marantz Jamo Combo  (5007 + 428) for R13k and add either the 210 or 250 sub.

I was disappointed with the clarity from this combo even though I so want the 5007 as my Amp. Anyway I listened to the "smaller" 1403 with 416 speakers and the clarity  was exactly what I anticipated the "bigger" brother would give me however there just isn't enough power from the smaller brother needless to say it retails at R9k.

I am stuck now, and looking for advice on how to get the best for my money. Genre of Music I listen to is pretty wide but if I had to condense it I would say anything by David Foster

please help, I am also open to look at what the members are selling but that, at least in my mind, sounds like I will be in the wait for another 2 to 3 months.