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I've been using Linux for over two decades now and genuinely have no desire to install and run Windows at home (albeit I'll admit Windows 10 fixed a lot of the crap that preceded it). In any event, if you're a Linux user and you also happen to use Roon, here's how to get it running on Linux (thanks to another Roon user on the Roon forums):
The key is to create a unique Wine instance just for Roon.
Create a directory in ~/ (I used .wineRoon):
Create the Wine instance:
Set the Window version to Win7:
Install .Net 4.5:
Install Roon (previously downloaded)
To run it use the following (with the correct path to your username (mine is x)
The key is to create a unique Wine instance just for Roon.
Create a directory in ~/ (I used .wineRoon):
mkdir /home/x/.wineRoon
Create the Wine instance:
env WINEPREFIX=/home/x/.wineRoon WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot
Set the Window version to Win7:
env WINEPREFIX=/home/x/.wineRoon winecfg
Install .Net 4.5:
env WINEPREFIX=/home/x/.wineRoon winetricks dotnet45
Install Roon (previously downloaded)
env WINEPREFIX=/home/x/.wineRoon wine ~/Downloads/RoonInstaller.exe
To run it use the following (with the correct path to your username (mine is x)
env WINEPREFIX=/home/x/.wineRoon/ wine /home/x/.wineRoon/drive_c/users/x/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Roon/Application/Roon.exe