Take a Lot up the pole?


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AVForums Grandmaster
AV Forums Supporter
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
Plumstead, Cape Town
Purchased an Auto-Ranging multimeter in August at a cost of R1835,00 for the Major-Tech model

Unit arrived, but was found to be faulty in that it would not settle on a reading, whether DC volts, ohms, AC etc.  A 12 volt battery would measure 22.5V one time and 9V the next

Sent it back and the replacement arrived in about 2 weeks.  This one is 100%

3 weeks back, I received an email saying that my return of the Major-Tech was being processed and i would get a credit as soon as they had examined it.  I wrote back the same day, pointing out that they had replaced this 9 weeks earlier.  Later that same week, they notified me that I had been credited with R701,70.  A very strange sum and they ignored my earlier email, which had the same ref no.

Sure enough, the credit is on my account

On Monday, I went to order an Android Media Player for my neighbour.  When I went to pay, I logged on and found my account blocked

About 6 phone calls later, I am told there is "irregular activity" on my account.  This aggressive lady then calls me and asks how I managed to persuade their staff to give me an irregular credit for something I had not bought.  I asked her to go through my purchases and compare them with my records.  She said I had returned a DKNY fragrance with missing contents and argued about it.

Not having ever bought fragrances and not knowing what DKNY was, I asked her to pull up the invoice where I was shown to have bought it.  She will get back to me.  Nothing yet.  I also mentioned the email about a credit for an item for which a replacement had already been supplied.  Her answer to this was "this is what I am talking about".

I said to her "something has gone wrong here" to which she retorted "you are telling me"