Tally-ho, old chap


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AVForums Grandmaster
Dec 21, 2007
Reaction score
The over-crowded Boeing 777 banked right and dipped suddenly, breaking through the grey clouds for a moment, giving us an almost perfect view of the London Bridge framed in the grimy window. As the Thames slipped silently beneath us, I caught a glimpse of the London Eye before the clouds once again closed in. A completely new life awaits Catherine and I, one that hopefully lives up to at least some of our dreams for the future.

Radical change has become just part of normal life, ever since the day in March 2020 when rumours of a country wide lock-down started spreading. The idea of working from home for a few months was exciting and novel; independence and increased autonomy being the only things I could picture. Little did I know that in just over 12 months we would have gone through forced retrenchment, fruitless and frustrating job (and soul) searching, personal economic adjustments never before imagined; to making the decision to sell everything and emigrate to the UK. Deciding to sell the house was not as difficult as expected, after 6 months of no income we didn?t really have much choice. The decision to leave came shortly after ? or was it simultaneous? No matter.

So here we are, cooped up in an airless box looking out over the endless stream of planes landing outside our double-glazed window. Day 5 of 11 days of hellishly expensive quarantine, being served tasty but carb-laden food and allowed out once or twice a day to exercise in the carpark. Escorted everywhere by Security personnel. Food is announced by a knock at the door, usually opened to an empty passage or the sight of the person hurrying around the corner. The possibility of having COVID has become the Leprosy of our dystopian age.

My vague plan was to say goodbye before we left the country, but last-minute happenings scuppered that idea. So ? esteemed lady/ies and gentlemen of the AV forums, heartfelt thanks to everyone, those that I met and those that remain an avatar and username; thank you for allowing me to be member to a group of men the calibre of which I have rarely encountered before. Thanks to the ones that I connected with, as well as those who I undoubtedly rubbed up the wrong way. I have an abrasive manner at times and to those that I upset in any way, I apologise. My intention was always to have fun, not to upset anyone.
Looking forward I hope to still contribute occasionally. Until we meet again, adieu - may AVF go from strength to strength.