tang's subwoofer EQ


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
Cape town
Here it is. the latest tang project.

a year back i built a sealed woofer with a 160l enclosure using 2 12" woofers. they where very boomy and dropped off very steep below 50hz. these woofer where not really subwoofers , but i decided to MAKE them work like subwoofers. I then used REW software with a microhophone did some measrements and built a linkwitz transform as described on rod elliot's website on strip board. according to my measurements with the microphone. This proved a MASSIVE benefit. Further microphone measurements quickly showed my room has a large peak at 67 hz and also a dip at 30hz , so i added 2 parametric filters to make these more flat.

here is the link to the linkwitz transform design: http://sound.westhost.com/project71.htm
here is the link to the paramteric filter: http://sound.westhost.com/project28.htm

the parametric filter i just changed to have two options in the 20 to 100hz range rather than his 3 stage mid and treble options.

I have been using this circuit for more than a year with a 300W amplifier i built.

Recently i decided that i want to change the 2 woofers to something more fitting. Since I had to do a massive 30db amplification at 20 hz and this was just not working whatching movies at high volumes.