Telkom ADSL Access


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New member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hi guys and girls

I (we) live in a township about 20km outside Lichtenburg. There is about 15people already that applied for ADSL access as far as I know.
We had a survey and about 7 people did not apply because they have 3G contracts others did not even recieve an application. Out IT guy does not bother helping out since he uses the works wireless network. The rest of us is only left with Vodacom 3G, but if the wind is just blowing hard it goes down to Edge or Gprs.
If we phone Telkom we just don't get a response. Our IT guy does not reply to emails.

Does anybody know somebody that could please help?

The telephone lines from the houses to the factory is done. The microwave link to town is good enough. The telkom guy I spoke with said Telkom should upgrade the Pa bx or exchange server for us to get access.

I know everybody complains about Telkom being expensive etc., but They have never been without a decent connection.
We only have vodacom coverage, No mtn no cellC no 8ta nothing. There is a wireless company offering up to 512kb lines for like 1200 pm.
Its hellish expensive. I love staying here. Quiet, Safe, Clean, Cheap etc so do not want to move.
I love playing online games but its to laggy. My ping is never below 160.

So if anybody could help please do.