The first recording you ever bought?


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AVForums Veteran
Aug 23, 2011
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I was just sitting here listening to a CD, something I hadn't done in years since before joining this forum, when I realised that it is the very first CD I ever bought - Peter Gabriel's Secret World Live. I think I must have bought this in the year it was released (1994) which was at least a couple of years before I even owned a CD player.

Then I was thinking about the first vinyl record I ever bought and remembered that it was Bob Marley Live. I got it from the CNA at the top of West Street, Durban, circa 1978 when I was all of 10 years old.

Both live albums.

The first DVD I bought was Bon Jovi Live, The Crush Tour. I am not a fan of their music, but bought it anyway. ;)

What were your first purchases?