The Games People Play ? Being a Really Great Female Athlete Just Got Harder


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Feb 21, 2013
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June 12, 2016
The International Olympic Committee (which has had an impossible task of keeping performance enhancing drugs out of the systems of their athletes) has now sanctioned that men (complete with genitalia given at birth) will be allowed to compete against women.

The IOC believes that men who lower their testosterone level by a certain percent for a defined length of time have become sufficiently ?female enough? to get to run, race, box, lift, jump, skate, etc against exclusively other women.

So now the organization that was caught looking the other way while Russia and China merely had a few athletes using some hard to detect performance enhancers, are now also expected to know and read hormone balances within the athlete?s composition to be able to determine if a male in every manner of speaking is sufficiently hormonal enough to be allowed to compete as a woman.

Read more here: Olympics: 'Genitals Included