The Mike effect?


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AVForums Veteran
Mar 29, 2010
Reaction score
Stellenberg, Cape Town

I'd like your opinion on something I want to call "The Mike Effect", after Mike Gebert at Tafelberg Furnishers who told me of this years ago.

I'm not one who can hear the improvement that a system change does immediately. I have to listen for hours & days to be convinced, and quite frankly don't quite trust opinions of people who "instantaneously" hear marked improvements etc.  (And, for what it's worth, I am one of the few adults who can hear the high pitched noise a CRT TV makes.)

Anyway, the Mike Effect states that it's not so easy to hear improvements, but once your ear has become accustomed to a certain level, then degradation from that level is easily noticeable. 

In my case, over the weekend I unplugged some equipment and connected up my old amp because it is just sitting there. Immediately I was aware that the sound wasn't what is used to be. Even my wife, who never listens critically, could hear that it just wasn't the same anymore. 

So I believe in the Mike effect. I think the people who can easily judge a component must be used to such high levels of sophistication, that they can judge stuff easily because it's less than what they've heard, and thus flaws are easily exposed to them. Hmmm, sorted! Same goes for red wine, real beer, food, cars, etc.
