The single biggest upgrade to your vinyl rig has been found!!


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Andre Vermeulen

AVForums Grandmaster
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
The degree of resolution and detail retrieval that this tonearm upgrade provides is nothing short of astonishing,noise floor?what noisefloor?inky blacks your thing?wanna dig down deep into those grooves and here the hidden euphoria while sawing thru dead fishmoth eggs?Edith Piaf is calling me closer and i'm very scared but tempted all at once(no-one should be tempted by Edith,have you seen her?) white paper theory or snakeoil here my a genius i have made this discovery quite by accident....i saw the arm,i checked the circumference and VOILA!!! came to me....i will be selling them for R450each and they come in various sizes to fit all tonearms.....HI-PHIB will have to close his doors,sorry but its a cruel world's a pic!