Turntable design parameters


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AVForums Super Veteran
Oct 3, 2016
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
With the lockdown period causing havoc all over the world, it wrecked all my plans to move to New Zealand and take up a very nice position there in Queenstown.

This side, with my business closed down, I had a lot of time to think about where to now. So ...

I think I should pour my time and creativity into what I always wanted to do and that is design and build high-end turntables. However my opinion is that it should be more of a cloud based project where others can contribute in any way they see fit. This way it will not be yet another turntable design in the marketplace. Maybe I will be stepping on some toes, but when you dance that is bound to happen.

I have many ideas as to what should be incorporated in a quality design, but I would like to hear valuable input from you. Many good ideas and skills are floating around here and I see no reason why this cannot be built into a new design.

So the first step would be to ask you what you would like to see incorporated in or would make you instantly want buy this new quality turntable. I know many people will have different ideas, but that is fine. Let's talk about it and see what is practical and what will remain pipe dreams forever.

So over to you ...