Upgrade advice for speakers and/or DAC?


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AVForums Veteran
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Durbanville, CT
Hi, I've just heard that I've been extended R12 000 more credit. So now I can't help myself (I'm sure many of you know the feeling).  I want to upgrade my current DAC and floorstanding speakers to a DAC that can handle at least 24/96 (preferably 24/192), and I want speakers that are warmer and more refined on the one hand, and more engaging, more "in the air" than "on the cone" on the other hand.

So, this is what I have currently:

  • Marantz CD7003 SACD player
  • Marantz PM7004 integrated amplifier (2x 70W into 8 ohms and 2x 100W into 4 ohms)
  • Boston Acoustics VR2 floorstanders (definitely not bad but still entry level; could do with more detail, and not very refined. Plus the rear-firing port is driving me nuts with all the booming.)
  • PSB 5i Subwoofer
  • Theta DSPro Progeny DAC  (pretty sure it only does 16bit/44.1kHz but it sounds very good; unfortunately it sometimes screeches a bit at the beginning of audio tracks)
  • Western Digital TV Live HD Media Player (can output 24bit FLAC audio but only up to 48kHz - the Theta is not perfectly compatible with it; see above)

Note that this equipment is installed in a nook made out of brick, which resides at the top end of my lounge/dining-room area.  This nook is not situated in the centre of this area, but towards the side wall.  The space it faces is deeper than it is wide.  The speakers stand at either end of a tall cabinet.  There is just enough space in the nook for the two speakers and the cabinet.  Rear-ported bass fares poorly.

My top music genres are jazz, classical and progressive rock.

Please, could I ask for concrete suggestions on where I can buy the following?

(a) a DAC with a clear but analogue-y sound that will complement my Marantz boxes - USB-in not important; will only use optical+coax in and RCA out

(b) Floorstanders that will fit well into this picture?  I have been intrigued by reviews of the JBL L880, Dali Suite 2.8 and Mordaunt Short Mezzo 6 ... The B&W 603 speakers are another possibility but I'm I a tad worried about boominess and the potentially analytical sound that some ppl have mentioned. 

I will consider retail but with only R12 000 to spend I'll be even more interested in second-hand gems.  Because believe me, my wife has made it clear that this is the ABSOLUTE LAST time I get to spend big money that's not even mine.  This time I have to live with my choices.

I live in Cape Town, in the Northern Suburbs. Thank you for reading this far :)