USB was never designed for HQ audio, so why use it?


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jun 9, 2015
Reaction score
Cape Town
After answering a question Chrisc posted I thought this would make for an interesting debate.
My findings (and audible) is that USB never sounds as good as SPDIF or AES for connecting a DAC to a PC / Laptop. USB was never designed with that in mind so why use it?
Without starting WW III  :whistler: We all are taught that bits and bites are bits and bites, but that is not what my ears have found over 10 years of testing. My take is that it's all about keeping the noise and jitter low, and USB must stand last in the row for those criteria. And yes I know the asynchronous clock timing on the DAC should take care of that.
But guess what,my findings are that it doesn't. The more jitter the DAC has to contend with, the more you place unnecessary stress on the DAC and you compromise the sound.
Death to USB with all things music I say  :coffee:

BTW I'm reffering to coax SPDIF not jitter prone Toslink SPDIF
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