Can anyone factually say what the power output is on a Valve Audio Exclamé 100 at 4 Ohm?
I can't find the info on Oom Schalk's website and also can't find the user manual that would likely indicate same.
Looking at the other amps in the range there seems to be a 60% increase in output. But the Exclamé 100 has 320VA output and not sure what the power factor is.
I need to drive 150W 4Ohm speakers at 89db sensitivity.
Thanks in advance for factual info.
I can't find the info on Oom Schalk's website and also can't find the user manual that would likely indicate same.
Looking at the other amps in the range there seems to be a 60% increase in output. But the Exclamé 100 has 320VA output and not sure what the power factor is.
I need to drive 150W 4Ohm speakers at 89db sensitivity.
Thanks in advance for factual info.