Valve Audio and me


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AVForums Super Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
Nov 4, 2008
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Hi everyone,

Just a short note about my thoughts on Valve Audio.

Recently, I have decided to sell my Black Widow Mono Block power amps, weather I am doing the right thing or not remains to be seen, but my decision to sell has no reflection on my thoughts on Valve Audio. I have had a couple of calls asking why i am choosing to sell and if i was unhappy with the product. This is not the case and would like to ensure that all the Valve Audio products that I have bought over the years - 2 x Black Widow stereo power amps, Genisis Pre and 2 x Black Widow 800 watt mono blocks are amongst the best in the world, I love this gear and love Oom Schalk. He is a good friend and builds a very fine product, you will not find better amplification this side of the equator for double the price.
I hope all reading this will give Valve Audio an audition and serious consideration before going out there to buy something else :) :) :)


Stu            P.S enjoy your selves this Saturday at the DIY gathering wish i could be there :( and good luck to the winner of the Valve Audio gear ;)