What do you wish you knew when you started this journey?


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AVForums Member
Mar 7, 2019
Reaction score
Cape Town
Hello everyone,

I am curious as to what the big HiFi lessons have been for folks who have been into this hobby longer than I have. There really is so much snake oil and editorialising in this hobby. I find that a lot of the assumptions I have made in the few years were patently wrong and I can't help but feel that there will be many more disproven assumptions on this journey. I apologise if this question has already been asked and answered - I tried searching to no avail.

So, what learning have you made as an audiophile/HiFi enthusiast that you wish you you knew when you started off?

For me (as somewhat of a novice): Room correction pays greater dividends per rand than anything else I've invested in (given that my girlfriend is strictly opposed to any kind of room treatment). Its also not that difficult if you are willing to invest some time and a little bit of money.